Blue Light Blocking Glasses- what you need to know before you buy
Written by Renee Bachner | 0 commentsBlocking out blue light is not the answer to eliminating eyestrain in itself. A blue light filter lens blocks out the sleep disturbing spectrum of blue light and this treatment is usually coupled with an anti-glare coating that eliminates glare inducing eyestrain.
If you want to eliminate eyestrain from looking at some sort of digital device every day, here’s how to do it-
It's important to make sure that the lens power in your computer reading glasses should be the correct one for your age and viewing distance. Lens quality is of utmost importance because looking through lenses that are not made from optical grade lens material will often create strained reading. This might not be noticeable at first because the brain will work with your eyes to compensate for visual disturbances. Eventually, eyestrain catches up with you.
THE WHY'S OF OPTICAL LENSES- This is why you need the correct lens power- Hours of computer reading puts the eyes muscles into a state of intense fatigue. The lenses in your computer glasses are meant to relax the eyes muscles. Too much lens power or too little lens power will cause additional eyestrain as your eyes will be fighting to compensate for incorrect lens power.
- This is why viewing distance affects lens power- The further away you view your screen, the less lens power you need to see it clearly. This is based on the scientific principle that focal power is inversely related to focal distance. Where you look at your reading material will determine what is the correct lens power for you.
- This is why lens quality is important in your computer glasses- Clear high quality optical lenses provide an unobstructed path for visual images to travel through your eyes so you can read comfortably. Our readers are made from optical store premium grade lens material known for its excellent optical properties more than any other lens material. High quality lens materials are made to to exact measurements not just acceptable tolerances which translates into sharper vision and as you would expect visual clarity varies with levels of quality.
There is to date no definitive proof that blue light causes harm to the structures in the eye according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. But eyestrain is an ailment that can no longer be ignored especially for those whose work, school or lifestyle puts them in front of a computer screen for hours.
So, to sum it up- blue light glasses has the benefit blocking out simulating blue light but if the lens quality is not good and lens power is not correct- it’s not going to do one of the most important things it's supposed to do- eliminate your eyestrain.
ReneeLicensed Optician
New York